
Empoderando economías juntos

We are the first web3 platform to drive the creation of new collaborative businesses on a global level


What’s Dober?

Dober is an innovative platform that use blockchain technology to revolutionize resource management and asset tokenization. With transparency and efficiency, we provide reliable solutions to empower communities towards growth and prosperity.

Join us and be part of this financial revolution towards a more inclusive and transparent future.

Powerful Functionalities

Unlock Your Potential


Automates the distribution of resources through smart contracts. Distribution of treasury for DAOS, digital assets or online businesses. Pay human resources payroll transparently and securely. Set and pay task rewards between collaborators


Discover the true value of your assets with Dober Asset Tokenization. Convert your valuable resources into tradable tokens and open up new liquidity and investment possibilities. Receive passive income from what assets generate.

Explore Dober

Treasury Distribution

Treasury distribution automates fund allocation for rewards, payments, donations, and more. It ensures fairness and transparency by using smart contracts to distribute resources efficiently based on predefined criteria.

Exploring Treasury Distribution: Discover three ways to automate funds.

1. Business Treasury

Manage and distribute your business revenues in a customized manner, ensuring efficiency and transparency in every financial transaction.

2. Rewards

Recognize and reward the contributions of your community or team, fostering engagement and goal achievement through manual distribution of rewards.

3. Payroll

Simplify and automate the salary payment process for your team, ensuring efficient and accurate management of your organization’s payroll.

Why Dober?

Meet our founders

Discover the heart and soul of Dober through our exceptional founding team. We're a family and we have a mission to amplify transparency and decentralization in finance.

Join hands with us to shape a future of empowered communities.

Fernando Castillo

Blockchain Master - Ph.D. candidate Technische Universität Berlin


Margarita Castillo

Blockchain Finance Expert - Master's degree in Finance Adolfo Ibañez University


Oscar Castillo

Early Investor Blockchain - Director of Cidif Digital Ventures


Inside the Whitepaper

A comprehensive guide to our vision and technology

Our Partners

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